I would like to take a moment and welcome you to this information page. Our goal is to keep you informed about what's going on with this podcast.
First if you look in the lower right hand of most pages, you will see a microphone. In case you didn't know, that is for voice mail. If you want to send us a voice mail tap the microphone and it will guide you through how its done. I will check the voice mail box once a day and answer on the spot.
Is you noticed on a page that there is a place you can JOIN THE E MAIL LIST and give us your email. Now I can assure you that we would never sell your email . The purpose of this is, when we get rolling at full speed, we may have questions or information for our listeners. you will be the first to get the information or question. Also if you sign up with your email, and you really like one of our songs, I will email you a free copy of the song! There is a page named Song Selections and Episode they played on, where you can get the song titles. If I may, and you are listening to the podcast on your phone, make sure your auto rotate is on. It's easier to see the song titles that way. Thanks for listening!!
Jim Murray